Summary diagram of the product
Ugloo is an AWS S3 compatible object storage solution, originally based on a fork of MinIO, and integrating the BitTorrent protocol. The product has evolved since then to best respond to the specific usages of customers.
Find a description of its main features here.

A solution that feets Cloud Service Providers needs

Ugloo reached several 🇫🇷 CSP to develop functionalities these specific stakeholders require.

Marketing strategy

Versatile when used, Ugloo also uses versatile marketing methods.

DeepTorrent™ distributed storage protocol

Ugloo developed DeepTorrent, a patented distributed, decentralized and immutable storage technology, an extension of the BitTorrent protocol.

Indestructible storage

Ugloo offers indestructible storage: resilient, multi-site, encrypted, decentralized and immutable.


Ugloo strengthened its observability harness, to offer the most relevant metrics and enable better management of the cluster activity.

Storage backend for backup software

Veeam, Comvault, Rubrik, Atempo : Ugloo is certified as an S3 backend storage for the main backup and archiving software on the market.

Compatible with medical imaging DICOM protocol and PACS

Ugloo is natively compatible with DICOM, the medical imaging standard.

AWS S3-compatible object storage

Based on a fork of MinIO, Ugloo is a distributed object storage fully compatible with AWS S3 APIs.